While not as heavy-duty as larger models on the market, compact tractors are incredibly underrated pieces of machinery! Able to complete an enormous variety of difficult labor tasks, this model's small size makes it perfect for traversing difficult terrain and navigating small areas. To discover the many unique uses—and perks—of a compact tractor, we recommend checking out our article below.

Animal Management 

If you’re a rancher or make a living through livestock, you likely don’t need an enormous tractor to handle the majority of the work around your property. However, a heavy-duty machine can still come in handy for important tasks like maintaining fields and fences for your animals, cleaning out stalls and pens, and delivering feed to all of your livestock. Thankfully, a compact tractor is the perfect piece of equipment for the job and can help you complete daily tasks faster than ever before. 


Landscaping is a compact tractor's most popular use, and they’re very common machines for gardeners, landscapers, and people with large yards or properties to care for. Great for mowing, digging, and hauling debris, there isn't much a compact tractor can’t handle when it comes to yard work. As an added benefit these small tractors are much more agile than their larger counterparts, making it much easier to tackle tough uneven terrain. 

If a compact tractor sounds like the perfect piece of machinery for your needs, we recommend stopping by Mike Cooper Tractors here in Fort Gibson, OK! On top of our massive selection of compact models for sale, we also offer convenient financing and trade-in service to our clientele and are always happy to serve those nearby in Tulsa and Muskogee, OK.